
112 Health Coach Hashtags (Copy & Paste)

Categorized as Marketing for Coaches
FEATURED 110 Health Coach Hashtags (Copy & Paste)

Are you a health coach looking for health coach hashtags to increase your visibility and engagement on Instagram? 

If so, you just hit the jackpot. You can use hashtags as a part of your social media strategy to organically reach those who need it most, and we’ve compiled a list of 112 of the best options for you to try out today.

By the way, we’re Cass + Tee, the duo behind this blog, and our company, Lovely Impact. We’re web designers turned coaches, and we are OBSESSED with all things coaching including certifications, social media marketing, branding, web design, trends, and more.

You’ll learn everything you need to know about using health coach hashtags on Instagram in this comprehensive guide. Among other topics, we cover why hashtags are important, how to choose hashtags, and what tools you should use to find unique hashtags.

Let’s dive right in!

Best Health Coaching Hashtags for Instagram

Here are our top picks for the best health coaching hashtags for Instagram.

















































































































Health Coach Hashtags FAQ

What are health coach hashtags?

Instagram is a particularly good platform for health coaches to advertise on, but that means you need to start using health coach hashtags – which are tags that will ensure that your clients and potential clients see your posts and interact with them. Adding hashtags to a post greatly increases engagement.

Health coach hashtags work by helping to categorize content so that users can find it. It enables you to make your content visible under that hashtag. People who view the hashtag or follow it will be able to see your content on there, which is a great way to build an online community and expand your access to those interested in health coaching.

Why are health coach hashtags important?

Health coach hashtags make it easier to reach your potential clients. If, for example, you tag something with #wellnesscoach, that content will appear alongside other content containing the same tag – and this makes it much easier for people to find the content.

It also increases the amount of engagement your post is likely to get because it ensures it’s being seen by interested parties. Health coach hashtags massively boost the relevance of your posts, and get your words and images in front of potential coaching clients who care about your topic. 

They can then like, comment on, and share the content, which further increases your reach.

How to choose health coaching hashtags?

Choosing your health coach hashtags with care is crucial because if you choose them incorrectly, you are at risk of being penalized by the Instagram algorithm.

For inspiration, you can search for current hashtags on Instagram’s explore page to see what other health coaches are using and what health topics are currently trending. Use these to tailor your content and your health coach hashtags, so you are creating content that is on-trend and likely to be seen as relevant.

It’s also worth following other health coaches so you can see what they are doing and tailor your own content accordingly. 

Tools like Flick and Tailwind will help you get the perfect health coaching hashtags.

How many health coach hashtags should you use?

You want to be careful not to add too many health coach hashtags, as this makes your posts look like spam. You can have up to 30 on a post, but remember that hashtags should be as relevant as possible, and you will rarely be able to add this many relevant words.

Overall, most health coaches use between 5 and 10 hashtags on their posts. This should help you to land in a few categories but will keep the focus on “quality” (descriptive hashtags), rather than quantity.

The best practice is to choose a couple of basic ones, such as #wellnesscoaching and #fitness, and then tailor the remaining tags to be more specific to your content. For example, you might put #weights or #healthyeating.

Where to add coaching hashtags on Instagram?

Although health coach hashtags can appear in the caption, it is usually best to make them the first comment on the post. This will still place the post in the relevant categories, but makes it look tidier.

If you put your hashtags in the caption, you risk making your post look like spam, and as a healthcare coach, you want to come across as caring and professional. If you do want to include a hashtag in the caption, consider using just one, rather than multiple captions. This looks neater and can help emphasize the caption.

The Best Tools for Finding Health Coach Hashtags for Instagram

Here are our top picks for the best health coach hashtag tools.

  1. Flick
Flick - Health Coach Hashtags for Instagram

Flick is a tool that was designed for marketers and brands on Instagram, and its purpose is to help them find, analyze, and use hashtags on popular social media platforms. 

Many different people use it, and it offers a whole host of features to help users identify the hashtags that will work well for their business.

If you’re struggling to find health coach hashtags that are unique enough to use but mainstream enough to be relevant and frequently come up in searches, Flick is the answer. It will also help you manage the hashtags you use, storing collections on your phone so you can easily apply them to your content and keep track of them.

Flick lets you search through other hashtags, filter using metrics, and look at analytics and hashtag performance over time. This leaves you empowered, letting you market your content in the best possible way.


Flick offers a whole range of features, including:

  • Instagram analytics
  • Hashtag search so you can find new hashtags
  • Hashtag performance stats
  • Training information so you can maximize the value you get from Flick
  • Collections where you can store your favorite and most commonly used hashtags
  • A mobile app
  • The ability to edit and copy hashtags with ease
  • A “potential reach” score
  • Information about times used and times ranked, efficiency scores, and more!


Flick Pricing - Health Coach Hashtags for Instagram

Flick has four pricing levels and a 7 day free trial of each:

  • Solo: £7 per month, with the ability to link one Instagram account, and track 10 posts per month
  • Growth: £12 per month, with the ability to link two Instagram accounts, and track 30 posts per month
  • Pro: £19 per month, with the ability to link five Instagram accounts, and track unlimited posts per month
  • Agency: £40 per month, with the ability to link 12 Instagram accounts, and track unlimited posts per month

These prices exclude VAT.

Flick can help you become an expert in hashtagging and take your Instagram content strategy to the next level!

2. Tailwind’s Hashtag Finder

Tailwind - Health Coach Hashtags

If you want a hashtag generator, Tailwind may be the tool for you. It will offer some great hashtag suggestions, using AI to find the most relevant and on-trend tags to use. 

You can say goodbye to constantly searching, copying, pasting, etc.; Tailwind does all the work for you.

The service also makes it easier to organize your health coach hashtags, saving them into lists. You can then apply them to the captions of your posts with just one click. This saves a lot of time and manual work in searching and ensures you can always access the tags you need, and you never lose your favorites.

The tool also color codes your tags to make it easier to see at a glance which ones are the best and most effective, and which are too competitive to be useful. 


Tailwind offers a host of benefits, such as:

  • AI-generated hashtags to save you from searching
  • No need to copy and paste tags; you can just apply them straight to a post
  • Lists that you can save your favorites tags to, keeping them organized
  • Color coding for different tags so you know how competitive they are and which you should use
  • Integration with Pinterest and Facebook as well as Instagram, keeping all your projects in one place


Tailwind Pricing - Health Coach Hashtags for Instagram

Tailwind offers a free basic account that you can use indefinitely or any of the following pricing bands:

  • Pro: $9.99 per month, with one Pinterest page, one Instagram page and one Facebook page, and 200 post designs
  • Advanced: $19.99 per month, with two of each social media page, unlimited post designs, and 1000 posts per month
  • Max: $39.99 per month, with three of each social media page, unlimited post designs, and unlimited posts per month
  • The free account is limited to 20 post designs and 20 posts per month, so it’s only suitable for very casual users, but is great for trying the concept out.

Tailwind can revolutionize your Instagram game and take your social media presence from basic to brilliant in just a matter of weeks!

Final Thoughts – Health Coach Hashtags

Hashtagging strategically as a health coach is imperative! Otherwise, how will all that hard work you put into your content be effective if enough people aren’t really seeing it?

Having the right tools and health coach hashtags at your fingertips will help you market yourself successfully on social media which in return will bring you more followers who can eventually turn into clients.

If you use the wrong hashtags, you will find your experience with Instagram to be exhausting and ineffective. If you don’t pay attention to your hashtags at all on Instagram, you may miss out on opportunities that can only come with an effective social network. 

It’s very important to take the time to build a hashtag strategy and to use it to your advantage.

Now that you’ve learned about hashtagging as a health coach, it’s time to start using them in your Instagram posts! 

Grab the ones we’ve shared here, or use the tips above to find your own. 

Let us know what you think of this Instagram hashtag guide and how you plan on using it in your comments below!

About The Author

Hey! I’m Cass, a Certified Brand Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches elevate their businesses with beautiful branding and websites. Here on our blog, my content focuses on branding, web design, and storytelling.

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

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