Hey Coach!
Can you feel it? No? Okay… try this.
Think about where your coaching business could be this time next year.
Yessss! Do you see that big, beautiful, and almost impossible goal? Hold that vision, and close your eyes. Now… take a deep breath in and hold it. 4. 3. 2. 1. Now, breathe out and hold again. 4. 3. 2.1.
Repeat that exercise 4 times thinking about that goal.
Now, open your eyes. There it is. NOW you feel it!
That’s called pure potential.
Unlimited opportunity.
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Boundless creativity.
And it’s all possible right now.
By the way, we’re Cass + Tee, the duo behind Lovely Impact. We’re certified coaches, web designers, and online marketers who have over 20+ combined years running successful businesses and helping some of the biggest coaches in our industry succeed.
And we’ve NEVER EVER seen a better time to launch and grow your coaching business than right now.
That’s why we’re calling 2025 the year of the coach.
In this in-depth motivational guide, we’re going to share with you everything you need to do to take full advantage of this epic year.
But first, we want to share WHY we think this is a pivotal year for coaching.
Why Is 2025 Such An Important Year For Coaches?
We believe next year will be a pivotal and foundational year for the coaching industry.
And the reason we think this, scratch that… KNOW this, is because 2020 to 2022 created conditions for the perfect storm.
Here’s why we believe 2025 is an opportunity year for coaches.
First, coaching hasn’t reached its peak.
Although it feels like there are a lot of coaches, in actuality our industry is just getting started. Yes, it’s growing fast, but it hasn’t even touched the peak yet.
In terms of growth, coaching is the second-fastest growing industry in the United States, and it’s growing in every single state.
Additionally, according to the International Coaching Federation, in 2020 there were 23,300 coaches in North America, and in 2019 there were 71,000 coaches worldwide.
Even though that seems like a lot, compared to other industries, that is a very small number!
Just to give you an idea of how much potential there is, here is a comparison: In 2020 there were 3 million active real estate licensees in the United States. 3 million!
Coaching has a very long way to go, and if you are a coach, or thinking of becoming one, the opportunity to transform lives and grow your business is limitless.
Pat yourself on the back! You are at the forefront of a new beginning.
Second, everyone needs a coach, and they know it.
Look around at your social media feed and you’ll see something miraculous happening.
Words like “self-care”, “self-worth”, “manifestation”, “meditation” and other verbiage that was normally seen as new age or “woo,” are now the norm.
Our society has embraced mental health and self-care as part of their everyday lives. And to help them adjust to this awakening, they are looking to coaches to help them navigate this new level of consciousness.
The pandemic was also a big reality shift for so many, especially the working class. After being locked in their homes for months, many of them realized that they were not happy. They wanted a new meaningful start to their lives, and they didn’t know where to begin.
But those two things were just the beginning. There are three huge movements that pushed coaching into the forefront:
- The Great Resignation: Known as the Big Quit, the Great Resignation describes a trend of employees leaving their jobs voluntarily, primarily in the United States, from spring 2021 to today.
- The Side Hustle Revolution: According to Zapier, One in three Americans—34 percent—have a side hustle. 61.1 million Americans (24 percent) planned to start a side hustle in 2021.
- The Rise of The Boomers: Every day, about 8,000 baby boomers celebrate their 65th birthday. That’s the traditional age for retirement, but this new generation is doing things differently. They are looking to reinvent themselves by defying aging, increasing their health, relocating their lives, and building their wealth.
The result of all of the above?
Millions of people all over the world are all looking to the internet, influencers, experts, and coaches to help them solve their problems and live their best lives.
Finally, 99% of coaches are skipping the basics.
Although this industry is growing, and fast, many coaches are ignoring the basics of entrepreneurship in today’s digital world.
We’ve helped hundreds of coaches launch their businesses and brands, and one thing is clear, coaches are here to help people, not necessarily run businesses. Unfortunately, that hinders the success of some amazing coaches.
There are 4 basics to growing any coaching business, and if you can master these four things, you’ll be able to rise to the top of your coaching niche within 1 year:
- Mastering Your Craft: Learn how to be a dynamic coach that gets their clients’ real results. This is an ongoing process that takes practice. If you can’t master coaching others, nothing else in this article matters.
- Creating a Magnetic Brand: Launch a beautiful coaching brand and website that attracts your ideal clients and helps you convert them into leads.
- Testing Sales & Marketing: Find ONE marketing strategy that brings in consistent leads and then master your sales process so you can convert those leads to clients.
- Practicing Resilience & Consistency: Show up consistently in your business — even if you feel like no one is listening, you show up and you keep going.
Because so many coaches are skipping these 4 things, there is a huge opportunity for those who master them to stand out. And with just a little bit of effort, you can be one of those masters.
You can grow a fun, exciting, and transformational coaching business that impacts the world.
And here’s exactly how to do that.
6 Things You Need To Be A Successful Coach in 2025
The rest of this blog will go through the six things every coach needs to do to build a top-level coaching business that gets the attention of your dream clients.
#1 Brand Clarity
Okay, coaches. Let’s get real… Repeat after us: brand clarity isn’t about colors, logos, and what filter you’ll use on Insta. It’s a state of being that comes from really deep brand work.
It’s kind of like when you facilitate a big breakthrough while coaching your favorite client.
It’s the deep authentic answers to those psychological, soul-searching questions that must be answered about your brand, so you can communicate your value to your ideal clients and partners.
True brand clarity is what separates you from other coaching brands and pushes you into the big leagues. It’ll put you in the driver’s seat and help you understand where your brand is heading, and whether that’s the right direction, so you can course-correct quickly.
It’s the secret to being a successful coach. To do that, you need to know these 8 things as if they were your only road to building a successful business:
- Your Personal Why: Your personal why is a statement that keeps you resilient and consistent in your business, even when you want to give up. It’s what drives you.
- Your Brand Mission Statement: Your mission statement is essentially a quick summary of your business and what you aim to accomplish. It’s not so much about what you do, as to how and why you do it.
- Your Vision Statement: Lots of coaches get vision statements and mission statements confused. Vision statements are a look into the future! They help you dream big and remember the end goal.
- Your Brand Core Values: Now we are getting to the bread and butter of what your business stands for! Core values are qualities and traits you find near and dear to your heart and aim to uphold within your business.
- Your Coaching Philosophy: Brand clarity means that you don’t just write down your mission, vision, and core values, but you use them in your day-to-day coaching. That’s where your coaching philosophy statement comes in.
- Your Brand Season: Branding designs fall into four distinct personalities: Spring, Summer, Autumn, & Winter. Your job is to determine what season your brand is, then choose a logo and color palette that fit that season.
- Brand Personality Statement: Creating your brand’s personality statement is the foundation needed to build a successful and long-lasting coaching business. This statement helps you shape the way clients feel about your coaching products, services, or mission.
- Your Brand Voice: Part of your brand’s personality is how you communicate and what “voice” you’ll use to attract your ideal clients.
Once you figure out all of the above, you’ll finally know:
- Why you started your coaching business in the first place.
- What your brand mission is and how you’ll achieve it.
- The vision you have for your business, yourself, and your clients.
- What you believe in and refuse to compromise on.
- How you coach, who you coach, and what life-changing experiences you aim to deliver.
- Your brand personality and where it fits in the coaching industry and this world.
- Your brand colors and fonts, plus the intricate details and meanings behind them.
Knowing the answer to those 7 things will help you not only show up and coach, but will also make decision-making easier.
2025 isn’t the year of figuring it out. It’s the year of taking your place in your niche and solidifying your expertise.
You can’t do that if you still don’t know your business as well as you know yourself.
If you need help, read What Branding Means for You (As A Coach) + Where to Start and grab our Brand Clarity Guide for Coaches with guided worksheets and the exact formulas we use to help coaches get brand clarity.
But first, if you don’t know your niche yet, join our free Resource Library for Coaches and download our Niche Choosing Workbook. Use this workbook to help identify and decide on your niche for your coaching business.
#2 Coaching Branding That Attracts
Once you’ve gotten really, really, REALLY clear on your brand, you need to create branding that matches what you’re trying to build. And yes, it should be beautiful.
We hear so many gurus who tell coaches that they don’t need a logo or an expensive website, but today there are so many affordable templates available, that there is no longer any excuse not to have these things. For example, we have beautiful coaching logos for every niche ready to go, like this one for business coaches:
In 2025, with so many coaching scams popping up, it’s going to be very important that you look like a professional coach.
Here’s why…
As a coach, your personal brand is what your peers and audience will associate with you based on your skill, experience, and personality.
Eventually, your coaching brand will be a combination of how you are portrayed in the media, information found on the internet, as well as how people perceive you in real life. You can use your logo, fonts, and colors to shape the first impression and emotions you want your potential clients to feel.
The best part, you can use your brand to differentiate yourself from other coaches.
So how do you create branding that attracts?
You start with a feeling.
Yes, it sounds a little hokey, but stay with us.
Think of your absolute most-favorite brand ever. The one you return to over and over again, purchase from, again and again, stalk on social media, and will never turn your back on (unless they do something completely unforgivable — hopefully not!).
You are loyal to that brand. To their products. You buy everything they put out (or at least dream of buying it all, even if it’s not in your budget).
That brand probably made you feel something when you first encountered them.
Maybe you felt safe, protected, comfortable; the sheer quality of their products brought you immense satisfaction; it could be they made you laugh with one of their commercials or videos; they might have taken your side in a political or ecological debate and you felt filled with righteousness or indignation at someone else. Whatever the feeling stems from, it was powerful enough for you to subconsciously associate that brand as one you love and are loyal to.
That’s the real secret behind good branding. Making people feel something positive when they come in contact with you, your products, and your services.
For example, our spiritual coaching logo template, Halo, was created to give a feeling of peace, relaxation, calm, and magic.
Once you’ve chosen a feeling you want to represent, all of your colors, fonts, and branding are then created to match that feeling. Because believe it or not, people have visceral emotional responses to design that they don’t even subconsciously notice.
They don’t think “hey that shade of blue makes me feel sad and depressed, I’m not going to work with this coach because I’m feeling pretty down looking at their social media.” Instead, they take one look and keep scrolling, never understanding why they were turned off at a glance.
It’s your job to know what feelings you intend to evoke and then brand your coaching business appropriately to match those feelings — even if that means skipping your favorite color or using other colors you don’t necessarily like on a personal level.
Pick the emotions you’re going to focus on for your brand, do some research into the basics of color theory, choose fonts that fit well and create a logo that matches it all and speaks the right visual, emotional message.
If you need help, check out our Canva Coaching Logo Templates. These are beautiful starter brands that can easily be customized!
Don’t want to DIY? We can help with restyling your coaching logo template or we can design a custom brand just for you. You can learn more by checking our Restyled Coaching Logo and Custom Coaching Branding.
#3 Copywriting That Delights
As a coach, there are a few things that are super important to learn. Bookkeeping, hiring, and sales are some of them – but another one will get you more clients. If you haven’t guessed yet, it’s copywriting.
Learning how to write copy directly affects your bottom line, your sales, your marketing, and literally everything in your business. Even if you plan to outsource some of this, it’s important that you at least know enough to hire someone good and spot problems when they arise.
Here’s what will happen to your coaching business when you learn how to write copy that delights:
You’ll Get Better Coaching Leads
When the content you publish speaks directly to your ideal coaching clients, using words that they resonate with, you tend to end up with much better leads. That means when someone schedules a coaching discovery call, they’re more likely to become a paying client because the copy is engaging with the right people within your coaching niche.
You’ll Grow Your Coaching Business Faster
When you use the right words to convey just the right emotion to the coaching clients you want to attract, your business will grow faster. The reason is that when you can touch the heart and minds of your ideal clients, they will trust you more to open their wallets.
In fact, good copywriting can make your audience beg to be a client. You know you’ve succeeded when the people you want to work with beg you to coach them.
You’ll Stand Out In A Crowd of Coaches
Good copywriting will also make you stand out from the crowd of coaches in 2025. There are lots of coaches marketing their businesses online. This means there is a lot of competition for some coaching niches, and that’s great, that means it’s a viable niche. However, it also means you need to work just a little harder to get noticed. Good copywriting can ensure that you are noticed.
You’ll Communicate More Effectively
Communication is an entire subject worthy of more than a paragraph! Especially if you are a coach. Coaching is all about communication, asking questions, and listening. When you can get your message to your ideal clients in a way that they understand and resonate with, you can then get them to become paying clients. Plus, your audience will feel as if the communication is also valuable to them.
You’ll Surprise & Energize Your Ideal Clients
Awesome copy can also boost excitement and really wow your ideal clients to the point that they want to share what you have shared with them. A social media post written with copywriting techniques in mind can go viral and change everything for your coaching business.
Learning the skill of copywriting is something anyone can learn, even coaches who do not believe they are writers. Don’t be afraid to learn about it just because you think you do not like to write.
You can do it!
If you need help, grab our Website Copy Guide for Coaches. Learning to write your coaching website copy is the first step to mastering copywriting.
Plus, read our other articles: 7 Ways to Get Better at Copywriting as a Coach and 8 Copywriting Books That Will Get You More Coaching Clients.
We also recommend that you take the course, The Complete Copywriting Course: Write to Sell Like a Pro on Udemy.
#4 Coaching Websites That Convert
As the old saying goes, “If you build it, they will come.” Right? Not always. Most coaches think that building a website will automatically produce clients. We wish that was the case.
In reality, you can spend a lot of money on the most beautiful, user-friendly coaching website ever and still not get any visitors. How frustrating, right? If your website doesn’t receive traffic, it won’t produce a return on investment.
Conversion-oriented coaching websites are different. In addition to turning visitors into leads, they do four important things: They clarify what they do, they have compelling call-to-actions, they build your list, and they are attractive.
Let’s break these four things down:
#1 They make what they do very clear.
When you visit a high-performing website, you don’t have to guess or do a lot of scrolling to figure out what these coaches do and what they are offering.
This is important because not only does it qualify your visitors, but it gets those who are not your audience off of your website, increasing your audience quality across ALL platforms and reducing wasted time on unqualified leads.
They do this by having powerful website copy that speaks directly to their audience, in a straightforward but personal way.
#2 They have engaging call-to-actions.
If they want you to download a freebie, or schedule a free coaching call, or sign up for a webinar, that will be very clear and engaging.
Their buttons and call-to-actions will be in the correct places and targeted to get you to where you need to be quick.
#3 They build an email list.
Smart coaches have all learned the importance of building an email list. Your business should never be a slave to a 3rd party platform.
Successful coaches focus on list building. They know that if a website visitor does nothing else, as long as they sign up to their email list, they’ve won.
#4 They are pretty to look at.
Your website should be beautiful. No one deserves to sacrifice that. This is your business, you work on it every day, it’s your home online. Again, branding works and you NEVER need to sacrifice that.
This becomes especially important if you are targeting affluent clients and/or women. These sites need to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye, encouraging those visitors to keep scrolling. A lot of people will tell you design doesn’t matter, but it does.
Even if you are just using your coaching website as a resume for networking, it still needs to convert. When you speak at conferences, pass out your business card, or ask your friends for referrals, they will all eventually end up on your website. Having a professional site is that extra step to help you close those leads!
If you need help, check out our Coaching Website Templates. These are built on Showit and you can customize them to fit your coaching business and brand.
Plus, read these articles: Coaching Websites: The DIY Beginner’s Guide for Coaches, 3 Things Every Coach Needs on Their Website, and 5 Reasons No One Is Visiting Your Coaching Website – And How To Fix It.
#5 Marketing That Sells
Can we be honest in this section? If you are still reading this, we’ve gotten to know each other better so we can keep it real.
Here goes. There is no magical secret or strategy that will get you more coaching clients. We really wish there was because we would tell you.
The truth is this: You have to test a lot of things to see what works for your brand, your offer, your audience, and your business.
You hire coaches, like us, so you’ll get a proven blueprint so you can conduct each test. This means that email marketing might have worked for one coach, while blogging worked for another. Or LinkedIn made one coach famous, while Instagram helped another coach.
The only way to know what works for you is to do a 3-month test of each strategy. If you don’t get any leads, drop it immediately and move to the next thing.
Keep going until you find YOUR thing. And once you find it, go all in and create a system for it. Then, when you automate it, move on to the next thing and test. Rinse and repeat.
That’s how we developed over 9 different lead generators in our business in one year. Here are a few strategies we believe are the best to test, in the order that we believe is effective:
- Blogging: Blogging is hard work, but it pays off big time. If your audience is searching on Google, creating blogs that answer their questions, and that rank high in search engines will convert to leads organically.
- Email: Once you get people on your list, make sure you are helping them and reminding them of exactly what you offer through newsletters and sales emails. Try to get them on the phone with you so you can dazzle them with your coaching skills, and turn them into paying clients.
- Facebook Ads: If you have a budget, create Facebook ads for your free or low-priced offers. If they buy and join your email list, you can use the strategy from #3 to turn them into clients. This takes time and lots of testing, which can take months. But once you get it right it’s a rinse and repeatable machine.
- Social Media: Social media works but it can be a time suck. It’s super important to test and find one platform that generates real leads. Then go all in.
Testing for us took one full year. We know that seems like a long time, but the time and energy were worth it. Once testing is done, you can sit back and let the leads come to you!
But Cass + Tee… I don’t have a year, I need help now.
Before you start testing all of the stuff mentioned above, you need to get your first 3 or 5 paying clients. This will allow you to have money coming in while you develop your inbound lead generation strategy.
There are 4 things you can do right now to go and get clients. These three things are outbound marketing strategies:
- Cold Messages: If you are feeling bold and aren’t afraid of sales, you can go through your preferred social media platform and send messages to your ideal clients. Introduce yourself and offer to help.
- Networking at Events: If you can, get up and network with your ideal clients. Go to their local conferences, meetups, and events and introduce yourself to everyone and tell them who you are and what you do. Make sure you get their business cards and send follow-up emails the next day and add them to your list, with permission of course.
- Public Relations: This strategy takes some research time, but once you figure out the right people to contact and how to pitch a story, the results are long-lasting. Public relations works because it’s a form of social proof. That you and your coaching business must be successful because the media is talking about you. Your ideal clients will see this and begin to reach out, almost instantly.
- Borrowing Audiences: This last strategy is fast and powerful! First, find other businesses in your niche that work with your clients, but are not direct competitors. Next, contact them and offer to create free offers for their businesses and audience. This could include blogs, newsletters, going live in their group, seminars, and more. This is a great way to grow your list and get new clients.
If you need help, check out our marketing coaching services, skip the research and struggle, and get expert advice and coaching so you can dive right in.
Also, read these articles: SEO for Coaches: The Ultimate Step by Step Beginner’s Guide, How to Get More Coaching Leads by Borrowing Audiences, Episode 002: Sales Funnels for Coaches 101: How to Start Generating Leads, and Niche Marketing for Coaches: How to Analyze & Conquer Your Niche.
#6 Client Systems That Wow
What if we told you that your client experience is just as important as any sales and marketing strategy you could implement?
That the journey your client takes AFTER they hire you will dictate whether they will become a repeat customer, refer you to others, or provide you with a client testimonial?
Sadly, we’ve seen a lot of coaches drop the ball here. They are so worried about all the shiny things that they forget about the client and their experience.
Take a moment right now and ask yourself:
- Are my clients happy?
- Am I treating my clients with the VIP treatment they deserve?
- Am I treating them better than my social media followers?
- Am I treating them better than a sales prospect?
- Am I treating them better than my email list?
If the answer is no to any of those questions, it’s time to change that.
We don’t want YOU to be that coach. We want you to thrive in all areas of your business! So right here… RIGHT NOW, we are going to quickly, but powerfully, list out the perfect 7-step coaching client process.
This process will work for any coach and will make sure your coaching clients are always satisfied with the service they receive from you.
This will ensure that they continue coming back for more, which means more money in your pocket!
Step 1: The Welcome Package & Gift
A welcome package is a beautifully designed PDF that you send off to your clients the minute they sign up with you.
Inside, include a personal welcome letter from you welcoming them into the program and explaining why this is the right place for them.
You should also include the next steps they should take to get started, what commitment you need from them, as well as what they can expect over the entire coaching relationship.
You could also send a gift to your client by mail, it’ll be a surprise they won’t be expecting and it’ll set the tone for your entire coaching relationship.
Here’s an example of the branded mug we send to our clients using Canva Print and a few of their responses after they received it:
Step 2: The Intake Form
Your intake form should give you EVERYTHING you need to start coaching your client. When we say everything, we mean everything.
It should capture their goals, hopes and dreams, current lifestyle, information about their circle of influence, the way they like to learn, and anything related to your niche that you’ll need to develop their coaching plan.
Step 3: The Kick-Off Call
The kick-off call should be a 1 to 2-hour call that has nothing to do with coaching. The only goal here is to manage expectations and get to know your client! For the first half of the call, you should direct the agenda and ask any questions you need to get to know your client. Let them talk freely and take notes.
During the second half of the call, you want to get down to business. That means defining the coach and client relationship, discussing the next steps, scheduling upcoming sessions, describing your methodologies, and walking through the coaching portal.
Step 4: The Coaching Strategy Session
Some coaches include the personal coaching plan during the kick-off call, but we like to make this our official first session.
You’ll sit down with the client and review the personal coaching plan you’ve put together for them.
This will include all the goals they want to reach, the suggested tools we want to use, and more. This will all be beautifully organized inside a document we’ve delivered to our client.
Step 5: The Recurring Sessions
Now it’s time for the recurring sessions!
By this step, your client should be very clear on what your relationship will include. You both should have a good idea of each other’s personalities, and you should be ready to get to coaching.
Each coaching session should have a clear focus and goal and should include homework in between sessions.
And most importantly, you should be checking in on your clients at least once a week. No exceptions here! We’re amazed by how many coaches don’t check in with their clients.
Just by following up weekly and caring, you’ll reduce your churn rate by 20% or more.
Step 6: The Goodbye Session
If your program has an end date, or your client has reached their goals, the Goodbye Session should be the most amazing experience of them all!
You should go all out there. You should present their progress, showcase their strengths, and celebrate! Make it feel like an exciting party.
Then, you should end it with an upsell.
Do you offer monthly accountability sessions? Other programs? Or maybe a paid group where you go live each month?
Don’t get off the call without discussing the additional options you have available.
Step 7: Ongoing Marketing
Once a client is done, make sure that you keep them in a special list for customers and email them about special offers, affiliate offers, and ask for referrals and testimonials.
Remember, to grow your business, you should be keeping in touch with former clients that you want to work with again.
That’s it! The perfect client onboarding, management, and offboarding process.
Implement these today and your coaching clients will not only feel special, but you’ll also generate more business.
If you need help, join our free Resource Library for Coaches and download our administrative forms including coaching intake forms, session planning checklists, and so much more. Use these to help you give your clients the best coaching experience ever.