Ready to create money-making coaching offers that resonate with your dream coaching clients and practically sell themselves?

It’s easier than you think…

Does this sound like you?

Does this sound like you - money making coaching offers
  • You are overwhelmed by all the ideas you have for new coaching offers, but they are sitting in a document or in your head and you haven’t acted on any of them because you have no idea where to start. 
  • You’ve over marketed or oversold your signature offer and you need some fresh ideas to bring in more money and help your coaching clients. 
  • You want to reach more of your ideal coaching clients or expand your niche and you need fresh offers that they actually want to buy. 
  • You are constantly second-guessing and changing your pricing because you have no idea what to charge nor what your targeted audience can afford.
  • You are out of ideas and don’t want to keep staring at a blank page. You just need to see what’s possible so you can reach your business goals.

Now, imagine if..

Imagine If - Money-Making Offers Workbook for Coaches

You hired an experienced team of business consultants, who only worked with coaches. 

They came into your office, sat down, and held your hand until you chose offers that are in total alignment with who you are and what you want to be known for, your income goals, and your audience’s desires. 

And they did that through powerful business exercises and worksheets that helped you plan the offer, from start to finish.

Plus, when you were finished, you had a hot, juicy offer all mapped out and ready to sell, that felt so good that you started telling the world, and people actually wanted it.

That’s exactly what’s possible


The Money-Making Offers Workbook for Coaches

Our in-depth workbook holds your hand through choosing, mapping out, and selling new irresistible money-making offers in your coaching business, so you can reach your business goals and attract the right coaching clients.

Inside you’ll find:

✓ Proven & tested coaching offers

Our workbook was created by coaching business experts with over 20+ years of experience. You’ll find over 14+ unique types of offers that are trusted and 100% proven to sell by coaches all over the world, regardless of their niche.

✓ Decision-making tools

We are coaches first! This workbook provides an honest look at the advantages and disadvantages of different coaching offers, so you can be honest with yourself and choose an offer that is in complete alignment with your audience and your business.

✓ Real pricing strategies.

This isn’t just a workbook, we want you to make money too! Inside, you’ll find real insight on how to make a profit with the offers you choose including pricing suggestions and strategies.

✓ Tons of worksheets and examples.

We hold your hand every single step of the way! For each offer, we provide detailed fill-in-the-blank worksheets to help you handle all the logistics, from launching to marketing, and even selling!

Its Time - Money-Making Offers Workbook for Coaches

It’s time to map out and start selling your irresistible offer!

By the time you finish this workbook you’ll know:

  • What you want to sell in your coaching business and how you want to sell it.
  • The truth about each offer so you find what really works for your business.
  • The tools and systems to use to deliver your new offer to your audience. 
  • How to market your offer successfully in the least amount of time possible. 
  • Exactly how to price your offer so people actually purchase it.
  • And much much more. 

By the way… we’re Cass and Tee.

We are web designers turned coaches… turned web designers AGAIN… 

Seriously… let us explain: After an entire year of working with coaches, it took us one catch-up convo via video to realize that there was a huge gap in the market. 

There were no real resources out there helping coaches with their brands.

But after launching their beautiful brands, we quickly found ourselves helping our clients develop coaching offers and programs that fit their brands and reached their ideal clients. 

And now we’ve put that expertise into a workbook format and we’re offering it to any coach who wants it.

Why? Well, it’s simple.

You’re struggling with developing an irresistible offer that helps you reach financial freedom AND allows you to make an impact on the world. 

We want you to really see how easy creating offers can be!

A real coaching offer should be in total alignment with who you are, your income goals, and your audience’s desires.

That’s why we created the Money-Making Offers Workbook for Coaches, to give you an insider’s look at the plethora of different offers you can start selling in your business ASAP. 

Here’s how it works:

We’ll literally hold your hand every step of the way!

The workbook we’ve developed follows a foolproof strategy that can help any coach find their unicorn offer.

Step 1 - Choose Your Money-Making Offer


Choose Your Money-Making Offer

Choosing the right offer is serious business. You’ll need to make sure you have the expertise, tools, and time to launch it. You’ll also need to be sure your audience actually wants it. Our guide outlines over 15 coaching offers for you to browse through. Simply flip through the workbook and find the offer that resonates with you the most.

Step 2 - Develop Your Competitive Pricing


Develop Your Pricing

For every single offer, we provide you with a suggested price range. If you are a person that struggles with pricing, this alone is worth its weight in gold. We’ve interviewed hundreds of coaches and tested so many offers and prices for your clients. We are sharing that knowledge with you so you can understand what price sells best, and never under or overprice your offers again.

Step 3 - Plan Your New Irresistible Offer


Plan Your New Offer

This workbook was created by coaches for coaches, so we want you to dig deep and develop an offer that fits YOU. Although we provide a lot of guidance, we’ve also included step-by-step planning worksheets customized for each of the different offers. These were created to help you plan, launch, market, and sell the offers you choose.

Plus a Lovely Bonus!

And to make sure you succeed… We’ve added a bonus section at the end of the guide! 

Bonus - Abundance Affirmations for Coaches

Use our Abundance Affirmations for Coaches to crush any limiting beliefs you may have about selling your offers, helping your ideal clients, and reaching financial independence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the money-making offers workbook for coaches?

The Money-Making Offers Workbook for Coaches holds your hand through choosing, mapping out, and selling new irresistible money-making offers in your coaching business, so you can reach your business goals and attract the right coaching clients.

Following this guide will help you choose an offer to sell in your coaching business, plan your offer out in detail, price your offer successfully, market your offer to your audience, and much more.

How will this help me create coaching offers?

This is not just a workbook. We’ve included over 15+ proven coaching offers that you can choose from  right now. We also included the pros and cons of each offer so you can be honest and choose the ones that work for your business. 

Inside you’ll also find planning worksheets, customized for each offer, so you can strategize every single detail and move into offer creation with clarity and confidence.

We’ve even priced each offer for you! You’ll walk away with something tangible that you’ll reference and share often, for years to come.

Is this for any type of coach and any niche?

Yes, this workbook is for ANY coach in ANY niche. And the examples inside don’t discriminate. There’s something for every type of coach! 

What is the cost?

Our Money-Making Offers Workbook for Coaches is $97. We want every coach to be able to purchase and use this guide right away.

Still here? What are you waiting for!

If you’re still reading this, and 

  • you’re thinking about getting our Money-Making Offers Workbook for Coaches, and
  • you want to finally get your business working for you vs against you, and 
  • you want to create offers that attract real coaching leads…


==> Click here to grab this workbook today ⇐


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Intro: Business Naming Masterclass for CoachesWatch this lesson for free!

Intro: Holiday Marketing Masterclass for CoachesWatch this lesson for free!

Intro: Pricing Masterclass for CoachesWatch this lesson for free!

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