Nicole Miles is a certified Career Coach.

She’s the founder and coach behind HerCareerStrategist, and she empowers professional, ambitious women who are unfulfilled in their career, elevate to the next level so they can do what they love, earn promotions, and make a real impact.

Nicole hired us to create her online home because she was so impressed with how we’ve structured our business. She loved how much information we share on our blog, and was convinced we were the best fit once she talked with Tee on their initial call.

Working with Nicole was a complete pleasure for us. We love how organized she is about her business, and her bold personality made each phase of her project fun to complete.

Branding & Collateral

The HerCareerStrategist logo is the perfect fit because it’s bold and feminine, just like Nicole, and just like the clients she wants to work with.

Love notes

“Yay!!! I’m so excited!”

The entire website looks great. Thanks again for your support.

Nicole Miles


Writing the copy for Nicole’s website was an exciting challenge for us. The job search can feel like a slog sometimes, so keeping everything upbeat and making sure Nicole’s future clients would feel the buzz through every page was our top priority.

Assigned Copywriter: Leah

Web Design

We are seriously obsessed with the design of Nicole’s website. Her color palette is so enchanting, and makes you feel like you’re there for a party. We might click into her website just for a little boost of energy every now and then, because it’s that energizing.

Check out Nicole’s website live!

Assigned Designer: Erin

Traffic Funnel Design

Nicole’s traffic funnel revolves around the free “Standout Resume Toolkit” – a smart move for catching attention. By offering this useful freebie, she’s helping people level up their resumes while growing her email list at the same time. Pretty clever, right? This approach matches Nicole’s style perfectly, giving ambitious professional women a sample of her career-boosting expertise. It’s an effective way to connect with her audience and showcase her value from the get-go.

Assigned Strategist: Tee

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