Anatomy of a Money-Making Life Coaching Sales Page

Categorized as Coaching Websites
Anatomy of a Money-Making Life Coaching Sales Page

Well hello there!

Are you trying to figure out how to get your life coaching website to generate coaching leads for you? 

Welcome. You’ve arrived at the right place.

In this blog post, we’ll cover how to create a beautiful and high-converting sales page for your signature life coaching offer. 

But first, we’re Cass + Tee! We’re web designers turned life coaches, turned web designers again. We pivoted backward because we realized no one who created websites and branding really understood what it was like to be a coach.

Hence this blog post! Today we’ll be breaking down the science behind a signature program page, what it is, what it’s not, and how to use it. 

If you don’t have these three pages, you may not only be bleeding leads but losing your audience altogether.

Ready? Let’s go to work and fix this!

What is a signature program page?

A signature program page is a sales page for your main life coaching offer.

This page is your time to unapologetically sell your signature offer and dazzle your audience. This could be your mastermind, your 6-month 1-on-1 coaching program, your group coaching program, your coaching retreat, your coaching course, etc.

When should I use a signature program page?

If you have a main coaching offer then you should have a dedicated program sales page for that offer. 

If you just offer coaching that can be purchased in individual sessions, you most likely will not need a signature program page.

Additionally, your services page is completely different from your signature services page! 

Your signature services page is more like a catalog of everything you offer. 

For example, let’s say you offer a signature service, a 1-hour coaching call, group coaching, and more. Your services page shows your website visitor EVERYTHING you offer in one place so they can click around and explore their options. 

This is similar to a shop page for an e-commerce store or the menu page for a restaurant. 

What should be included on a signature program page?

Before we dive into this, it should be noted that there are people who charge thousands of dollars for just this section of this blog. 

But we are so sick of the secrecy. There is enough for everyone. 

So although our clients may kill us, we are going to share it all. Here’s how you structure a signature program sales page for a life coach (or any coach really).

Section 1: The Emotional Header

You’ll want to pull at the emotions in the headline and tease the solution in the subline while encouraging the visitor to keep scrolling. Unlike other sales pages, you don’t need a buy button here. For a life coach, you want to get your visitor to keep scrolling through each section so you can coach them.

Section 2: Paint a Picture

In this section, you’ll want to paint a picture of what it would be like if the pain problem is solved. If you are a life coach that focuses on the mindset you might show them what it would be like if their limiting beliefs no longer controlled their thoughts. You want them to read this section and really feel as if you get it. 

Section 3: Say Hello

For other sales pages, many people suggest pushing the about page to the bottom. But for a life coach, it’s important you introduce yourself and say hello a little earlier. You are the brand here and they will be working directly with you on a weekly or monthly basis depending on what your offer is. You want to introduce yourself briefly but powerfully before asking for their money. 

Section 4: Introduce the Signature Program

Next, we want to introduce the signature program. This should be a dedicated section and a big announcement. If you can, make this section stand out a little with a different background and a program logo. This is the moment the solution to the problem.  

Section 5: Break Down What They’ll Learn

Here you’ll want to include what they will get out of your signature program. Do not talk about what’s included or list out modules, we’ll do that in the next section. For this section, you should be showing them what they will walk away with when they complete the program. 

Section 6: Break Down What’s Included

Now you can list out all the things that are included. Make sure you include as much as you can here. List out each module if it’s a course, showcase the coaching schedule if it’s a group, including the hotel amenities, and break out sessions if it’s a retreat. You get the idea! 

Section 7: Give Away Some Bonuses

Next, you’ll want to encourage them even more by offering a few amazing bonuses that come with the program. You can include free books, monthly gifts, or a Facebook community. Get creative as possible with your bonuses and see how much value you can add to your program. 

Section 8: Showcase Success Stories

Now it’s time for the proof, aka testimonials. You can sprinkle these throughout this sales page, between sections OR you can keep all the testimonials together in one space as a collection. It’s up to you! Just keep in mind that the more proof you can provide the higher your conversions will be. 

Section 9: Ask for the Money:

You’ve wined and dined your audience, so know it’s okay to finally ask for the money. Let them know how much your signature program costs, including any payment plans, and link everything to a secure shopping cart. We recommend Thrivecart!

Section 10: Promise Them Something Big:

Okay, here’s your chance to promise a guarantee or a big bold promise. Do you promise to give them their money back if their lives don’t change? Or do you promise that if they complete the program they will never be the same again? Do you promise this will change their lives? Don’t offer something you can’t actually deliver. Be honest and go big! 

Section 11: Make a Last-Ditch Pain Point Push

If they are still scrolling, they are still thinking. This is a great place to really hit more pain points. List out each problem and discuss how your life coaching program is the solution. You can learn more about pain points here >>

Section 12: Answer All The Questions

You’ve given it all you’ve got so let’s go through every objection you can think of. Maybe it’s related to how much time this will take them or how much money it costs. Think of all the common objections you get and turn them into FAQs in this section.

Section 13: Ask for the Money Again

The curtains are closing and it’s time to take a bow. Ask your visitor to buy one more and let them know that you are there to help them! Closeout your landing page and know you did your best. 

Bonus Money-Making Tips:

Really quickly, we wanted to share a few more things to keep in mind that we couldn’t squeeze into this post: 

  • Your sales page doesn’t need a header or a footer. You could remove these altogether if you want. This will keep your visitor focused on what you are offering so they don’t get distracted by all your awesomeness. 
  • You can sprinkle testimonials throughout your landing page as you see fit. This can help the visitor feel confident that you are an expert while they are scrolling. 
  • You can sprinkle calls to action throughout your landing page AFTER you introduce your offer. We only mention it in Section 9 and 13, but you can have a call to action bar after every section once you’ve introduced your program. Don’t go overboard, of course, use your discretion.
  • You can use video and screenshots instead of testimonials. Use whatever you have! Don’t feel like it has to be a quote. 

Final Thoughts

See! Now you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars for someone to tell you how to create a sales page. Armed with this knowledge, you can create one yourself, purchase a template, or hire a designer to quickly create it for you.

Now… don’t you think a comment below is 100% deserved, right? If this helped you, let us know! We love talking to and hearing from coaches from around the world.

About The Author

Hey! I’m Cass, a Certified Brand Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches elevate their businesses with beautiful branding and websites. Here on our blog, my content focuses on branding, web design, and storytelling.

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.


  1. This really rocks. I left a comment after the pain points article as well. You have clarified exactly what the process is of defining and marketing my skills. It was fun going through the 26 points to help create my vision. Thank you. I will be referring back to your website as I move along. You’ve given me some homework and inspiration to engage with it.

    1. You are so very welcome Anna! We are determined to remove the mystery around making money as a coach 🙂 Thanks for commenting. It means so much.

  2. I appreciate all of the informative, practical and free information that Cass and Tee are willing to share! They designed my website and I have gotten so many compliments on it that I am always referring them. Generosity in sharing your expertise with us is icing on the cake!

    1. Ahh, thanks so much Valerie! We LOVE your site! And so glad to hear that you’re still in love with it a few months later, and ALWAYS appreciate you sharing about us <3 xo, Cass

  3. Just an FYI – The plural of call to action is actually calls to action (not call to actions as you have here).

    1. Oops, thanks for catching that, friend! You’re totally right, it should be “calls to action.” Appreciate the heads up and we’ll make sure to fix it. Keep those eagle eyes sharp! 👀✨

    1. Hey Jade! So glad to hear that our guide on creating a life coaching sales page was a big help! It’s awesome that the in-depth walkthrough and the reasoning behind each part made a difference for you.

  4. This is a beautiful example of inbound marketing and I feel grateful, thankful and connected to you guys. I am in the process of establishing my business and figuring out my budget and what you presented her put you on top of the list of my website creation team. Thank you.

    1. Hi Joanna! Thanks so much! I’m thrilled to hear our approach struck a chord with you. We’re excited to possibly be a part of your website creation journey as you build your business. Looking forward to collaborating and watching your coaching practice thrive!

  5. Hi, my name is Constance. I am a language coach. I was to write a coaching sales page but was wondering what to put there this morning. Finally landed to this. This has been very helpful! Thanks so much!

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