5 Powerful Journal Prompts for Coaches to Build Their Businesses

Categorized as Coaching Business, Coaching Business Growth
5 Powerful Journal Prompts for Coaches to Build Their Businesses

I want to share a few journal prompts you can use to help you in building your business, because the other day I shared why journaling is so important for my business.

Journaling has always been something I was interested in, starting with my diary when I was a kid. Now, I use it to grow my business’ success and keep myself on track with what’s really important to me.

If you want to build your life coaching business with intention, instead of reacting to things and following random ideas that pop into your head, start with these journal prompts.

5 Journal Prompts for Your Business

Prompt #1

I chose this prompt because so many of us are driven to action or inaction by a fear of judgement from others. And if you let that fester without exploring it, it will derail your business.

What do you think other people are going to think about you if you go out and do what you’ve been dreaming of doing? What will they say behind your back? How will they judge you? Now…why does it matter so much to you?

Prompt #2

What things do you not try because you don’t know how to do them? Could you figure them out? Could you teach yourself?

Prompt #3

I love this third one, because I find that so many people don’t have a clear answer to it if you ask them randomly. They haven’t had to put it into actual words outside of their brain.

But it’s super important to understand, for yourself, why you do what you do.

Why do you do what you do? Why did you want to start your business? What makes it so important?

Prompt #4

How many times do you say yes to something when the answer should be no? How often do you agree to do something that gets in the way of your goals or your schedule? Why do you feel like you need to say yes? Why are you afraid of saying no?

Prompt #5

This prompt is maybe the most important thing you could ask yourself. Ever. At any stage of life. No matter what you’re working towards.

It helps you realize what you’re facing, and where you’re headed. As well as what things might be getting in your way.

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What’s your number one priority in life right now? What’s the biggest, most important goal you’re working towards? What do you need to think and feel and do to get it done?

Time to start journaling!

So there you have it.

Five journal prompts you could use to get started journaling today. Or next week.

And if your brain says you don’t have time to spend on something that produces no tangible results, ask yourself this: if journaling helped you get results more consistently and quicker, would it be worth it?

Because that’s what journaling did for me. And it will work for you, too, if you stick with it.

If you like these prompts, I’ve got an awesome treat for you! In our new resource library for coaches, I’ve added a mini-workbook with 30 journal prompts to clarify your personal beliefs, goals, and how you feel and act in your business. You can download it for free by signing up to get access to our free resource library right here.

About The Author

Hey! I’m Cass, a Certified Brand Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches elevate their businesses with beautiful branding and websites. Here on our blog, my content focuses on branding, web design, and storytelling.

By Cass

Hey! I’m Cass, a Certified Brand Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches elevate their businesses with beautiful branding and websites. Here on our blog, my content focuses on branding, web design, and storytelling.


  1. Very powerful questions. Definitely thought provoking- I need another coffee after that deep thinking session. Lots of juicy goodness came out- now to put it into action

    ps this is definitely being featured in my CreateFully blog faves😍

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