How to Write an Extraordinary Life Coaching About Page

Categorized as Coaching Websites
How to Write an Extraordinary Coaching About Page (1)

Your about page is arguably one of the most important pages on your website. And coincidentally, it’s also one of the pages that stress people out the most. 

But we’re going to fix that in today’s blog. 

Let’s get started!

About Page Myths and Misconceptions

To start,  let’s clear up some myths and misconceptions surrounding the about page.

Myth #1: Your about page is not about you

This is both true and false. The whole purpose of an about page is for people to learn more about you and your business when they go to it. 

But your about page is also about your client. So really, it’s about the relationship that you are building with your prospective clients and the trust that you are creating in that client to get them to want to work with you. 

It’s a nifty little balance. But we’re going to walk you through how to kind of toe that line and hit both sides of that equation. 

Myth #2: No one visits your about page.

We’ve seen the Google Analytics for hundreds of small business owners, and the about page is always in the top 10 most visited pages. 

People go to an about page because they want to know who they’re doing business with, they want to get to know the face behind the screen behind the brand behind the computer. 

They want to know who is teaching them or sharing with them or coaching them. Your about page is always going to be super important. 

It’s where they go to learn about you and whether your personality meshes with them and their needs. And it keeps you safe from coaching clients who may not be a good fit for you.

Now that we’ve cleared up a few misconceptions, let’s go over each individual section of a coaching about page, including tips and insights into what should be included in them.

Anatomy of a Kick-A$$ Coaching About Page

Section 1: Who Are you?

Life Coaching About Page Example

So you’ve probably already guessed that the WHO section is about you. 


This is where you’re going to introduce yourself. It’s where you’re going to let people get to know YOU!

Now we want to note that this is not an autobiography of your life… okay? 

They do not need to know where you went to high school, where you went to college, if you are married, if you have kids, or what you used to do for a career unless it really applies to your coaching business. 

For example, if you are coaching moms, then of course we want to know that you’re a mom. Or if you are a relationship coach, then YES, we want to know that you are, in fact, in a serious relationship, and you know what you’re talking about. 

But otherwise, they don’t need all those details. They don’t need your full resume. They don’t need every single thing that you’ve ever done in your life, every transition you’ve made, they need to know who you are kind of at your core, like, the things that matter to you. 

Tell them what they really need to know about you as a coach, and also in a way that showcases your personality. Feel free to give some details and quirks that will make people feel like they know you better. 

But don’t give them 10 paragraphs on your whole life story.

That’s not what this is about. This is just about getting them to know who you are, and recognize your name. Okay, that’s all the WHO section is about. 

Section 2: What Do You Do?

Life Coaching About Page Example (2)

Okay, let’s talk about the what section, this is the most important section of the page. And I say that because this is where you are telling people what it is that you do, very, very clearly. 

And you’re also explaining who it is you do that for.

Are you a relationship coach that works with divorced moms who struggled to get back into the dating scene? 

Or maybe you are a weight loss coach who works with women in their 50s. 

Or a business coach who works with people who are just getting started building their business. 

You have to be as clear as possible in this section, and tell people exactly what it is you do and who you do it for. 

Remember that a confused mind always says no. So if people don’t know what it is you do and who you do it for, very specifically, they’re gonna say, “No, I don’t think she’s right.” 

Versus a person who comes to a very clear version of your website, your about page is gonna say, “Oh, yeah, she does exactly what I’m looking for. She’s exactly the person I need to be working with.”

Lastly, after you write this section, we want you to edit it, and look for any industry or coaching-specific terms. 

Terms like methodology, breakthrough, limiting beliefs, transformation, etc. You know, those terms that we as coaches understand what they mean, but people who have never worked with a coach are going to be confused by that.

They just think that they have a problem, and you’re going to teach them how to solve it. So, be very simple, very clear and ditch all of those coaching terms that could create any sort of confusion for someone who isn’t familiar with coaching already.

Section 3: Why Do You Coach?

Life Coaching About Page Example (3)

In this section, you essentially have to explain to people why you’re a coach, and why they need you in their life. 

And this is really, really important. 

People need to understand your motivation for being a coach. Consumers are smarter than you think. So if they believe you’re just doing it because it’s trendy, it’s the new hot thing, or because it’s just an easy way for you to make money from home, they won’t hire you. 

You want them to understand that there is a purpose driving you! That you’re not just doing this for the paycheck, but you’re doing it because you want to help someone and you want to make a difference.

This section is so powerful because it’s going to help people feel connected to you and establish the trust that they need in order to reach out to you and hire you to be their coach.

We want you to really spend some time working on it.

If you haven’t identified your why in the past, then you kind of need to pull up your pants and like, do the work. You need to sit down and brainstorm all the reasons why you’re a coach, then go through them and cross off the ones that aren’t going to impact your dream clients

Section 4: Optional Bonus Content

The Where Section: If you offer local services and in-person coaching, you want to make it clear where you’re located. You can do this very simply by stating “I’m in the Los Angeles area”, or “I’m from the suburbs of Chicago.”

The Call to Action Section: Here you want to encourage them to take the next step.  The entire point of a coaching website is to get people from your about page to your services page or your sales page. That is going to make them then book the call with you, right?

The Press Section:  For building trust, you could include your press bar if you have any press mentions. It shows people that you’ve been around for a while and that you’ve been featured in publications and media. 

Life Coaching About Page Example (3)

The Fun Facts Section: On the personality side of things, you could add a fun facts section. This would be where you are sharing little details about your life. For example: Am I a coffee or tea kind of person? What’s my favorite book? What is my favorite hobby?

Final Thoughts

That’s it! Those are all the components of amazing coaching about page! We hope that you took notes! Of course, you can come back, if you need to.

If you are still struggling and you feel like you need more help, check out our website copywriting guide here >>  or feel free to comment below!

About The Author

Hey! I’m Cass, a Certified Brand Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches elevate their businesses with beautiful branding and websites. Here on our blog, my content focuses on branding, web design, and storytelling.

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.


  1. Thank you! I am very grateful for your blog post about writing a life coaching about page. This has really helped me to focus on what is needed. Everyone says to write your story, but not how to tell it in the right way. This was very impactful for me, helping me to put together a great about page. I can not thank you enough. I keep saying it to myself and I even bragged about this page to my husband and to my assistant. I feel so blessed. Thank you one more time. ❤

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