Ready To Become a Life Coach? 8 Important Things You Need to Do

Categorized as Coaching Business, Start a Coaching Business
Ready To Become a Life Coach 8 Important Things You Need to Do

Well hello there! We are so happy you are here. And trust us… if you are ready to become a life coach, you are in the right place! 

But first, we’re Cass + Tee! We’re the duo behind the website you are reading right now, certified life coaches, and entrepreneurs with over 20+ years of combined experience running online businesses. This website is our mission in life, and we’ve literally decided that we want to spend our lives helping YOU become the best coach you can be. 

We know that becoming a life coach can seem overwhelming at first, but we want to help make it as easy for you! So let’s get started with our top tips on how to become a successful life coach.

8 Important Things You Need to Do To Become a Life Coach

1. Discover Your Niche (Or Don’t)

Finding your niche as a life coach might make you feel like you’re limiting yourself, but it should actually bring you clarity and make your life easier. You can’t market yourself to your clients if you don’t know what you specialize in.

Finding your niche is just about figuring out who you want to work with, and making sure that you recognize your target audience. This will make it much easier to decide how to market yourself and what services to offer.

Questions To Ask To Identify Your Coaching Niche

You don’t have to choose a niche, but you may find it difficult to market yourself properly if you don’t know who you want to help and what they need help with.


If you don’t know your niche yet, join our free Resource Library for Coaches and download our Niche Choosing Workbook. Use this workbook to help identify and decide on your niche for your coaching business.

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2. Develop Your Signature Program

Developing a signature program is the next step if you want to become a life coach. Your signature program covers all aspects of your coaching business, including pricing, duration, naming, frequency, and delivery, as well as other things.

Without a signature service, you will not have enough structure to keep your coaching and your client experience running smoothly. Nothing else matters if your clients aren’t happy!

How to Structure a Coaching Program

You don’t have to start from scratch! You could use a certification program to help you develop the foundation of your signature program. Either way, tweak it until you create something that only you offer to your ideal clients.


If you need help, read How To Structure A Coaching Program (Step by Step) and we’ll guide you through how to create a signature program including naming, frequency, duration, delivery, pricing, and more. 

3. Get Clear On Your Brand

It can be very hard to settle on fonts, colors, logos, themes, and images for your business, but if you keep changing things, you will quickly find that your business looks messy, uncoordinated, and unprofessional.

If you are struggling, it’s probably because you don’t have brand clarity. To become a life coach you need to know: Why did you start your business? What’s your mission? What’s your vision? Your core values? 

Brand Clarity Process for Coaches

All these questions help you finalize the other elements of your brand, so you create something that reflects you and the clients you are trying to attract.


If you need help, read What Branding Means for You (As A Coach) + Where to Start and grab our Brand Clarity Guide for Coaches with guided worksheets and the exact formulas we use to help coaches get brand clarity. 

Next, after you’ve gotten clarity, it’s time to build your life coach logo, and it needs to be one that attracts the clients you want to work with. This can only come after you have spent some time working on your signature program and your brand clarity because you absolutely need to know what your business looks like before you build a logo for it.

Maryann - Life Coach Logo on Notepad

To start, use a special tool, like Photoshop or Canva to help yourself build a logo. Try creating a mood board first, and use a range of images and colors. You can then narrow these down as you start to decide what you would like your brand to reflect and how you want the logo to look.

Many businesses have multiple versions of their logo, with one primary one, and then other options like a logo with a tagline, the favicon, and the submark.


If you need help, check out our Canva Coaching Logo Templates. These are beautiful starter brands that can easily be customized!

Maryann - Life Coach Logo Template Bonuses

Don’t want to DIY? We can help with restyling your coaching logo template or we can design a custom brand just for you. You can learn more by checking our Restyled Coaching Logo and Custom Coaching Branding.

5. Write Your Life Coach Website Copy

When you first become a life coach, it may be hard to try and put words to what you do. You might struggle to verbalize your offers and how you help your audience. It might make you doubt whether you are truly committed to being a life coach, or question what your true goals are. Don’t give up!

The copy for your website is very important, and you need to take the time to draft something that feels right to you. Work and rework your website copy, and give it to friends/family/colleagues so that they can review and give you feedback.

You need copy that is punchy, evocative, and clear, and it is not easy to craft this in one sitting or even in ten sittings. Don’t rush to get the text of your website perfect; take your time over it, and make sure you are satisfied with the results.

It is always worth checking your spelling and grammar with online tools or a proofreader to ensure your site looks professional, as well as friendly and appealing. Cut out big words that will make clients feel uneducated or disconnected from you, and remove cliches that stop you from standing out.


If you need help, grab our Website Copy Guide for Coaches. Learning to write your coaching website copy is the first step to mastering copywriting.

Plus, read our other articles:  7 Ways to Get Better at Copywriting as a Coach and  8 Copywriting Books That Will Get You More Coaching Clients. We also recommend that you take the course, The Complete Copywriting Course: Write to Sell Like a Pro on Udemy.

6. Build Your Life Coach Website

A coaching website used to be a complicated thing, but today there are so many platforms and templates that make the process of building a website easy!

As a coach, your site will need to have quite a lot of functionality to ensure that clients can book the sessions that they need to, and access all the features they require.

For example, your site should contain:

  • Booking pages so clients can schedule calls
  • Login pages for existing clients
  • Video pages that showcase your skills and samples of the things you offer
  • Shop pages (if you sell coaching products)
  • Media pages to show off your content and the worksheets you provide

You may find that your site only needs some of these features, or that it needs more than are listed here. Either way, a professional life coaching website is crucial for attracting clients.


If you need help, check out our Coaching Website Templates. These are built on Showit and you can customize them to fit your life coaching business and brand.

About Maryann - Website Template for Life Coaches

Plus, read these articles: Coaching Websites: The DIY Beginner’s Guide for Coaches, 3 Things Every Coach Needs on Their Website, and 5 Reasons No One Is Visiting Your Coaching Website – And How To Fix It.

7. Choose Your Life Coaching Platform

Using a coaching platform is one of the best ways to make the administration side of your coaching business a breeze. If you integrate a coaching platform, you can cut out hours of admin work for yourself, and you may also make the experience smoother for your clients.

There are many coaching platforms out there, so spend some time looking at the different offerings to ensure you get one that is suitable for you. Some will deal with your invoicing, others will handle multiple coaches, and some will offer features to help your clients get more focused.

It is important to sit and compare the features and pricing strategies of the different options. This is a headache, but it will save you hassle in the future and should help to ensure that you and your clients get the most value from your website.


If you need help, check out Paperbell, our recommended coaching platform. It’s beautifully designed, simple and it’s free to get started. 

Also, read The 4 Best Online Coaching Platforms of 2021 (Ranked and Reviewed). In this post, we’ve reviewed and ranked four of the most popular platforms so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for your coaching business.

8. Develop Your Marketing & Sales Strategy

Finally, when you are all set up, sales and marketing are all that remain. This is how you will grow and attract clients – and without clients, all the rest of your work becomes useless. 

There are many ways to grow your life coaching business, the most important thing is to test different strategies, and once you find what works, keep doing it over and over again, consistently. 

You could test social media, blogging, Facebook Ads, webinars, email marketing, YouTube, vlogging, Tiktok… the sky is the limit! Once you master marketing, practice converting your audiences into leads, and your leads into paying clients. 


If you need help, check out our marketing coaching services, skip the research and struggle, and get expert advice and coaching so you can dive right in. 

Also, read these articles: 3 Website Sales Strategies to Land More Coaching Clients, Turn Your Life Coaching Blog Into A Client Generating Machine!, and Anatomy of a Money-Making Life Coaching Sales Page.

Final Thoughts – Become a Life Coach

The two traits to have when you a ready to become a life coach are resilience and consistency. Take your time and try not to get overwhelmed. There is no such thing as overnight success. Focus on testing and finding what works for you and your ideal clients. 

Once you figure it out, create systems and keep doing it every single day. We know you can do this! We are here to help 🙂

Comment below and let us know what type of coach you are and more about the coaching business you are trying to start.

About The Author

Hey! I’m Cass, a Certified Brand Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches elevate their businesses with beautiful branding and websites. Here on our blog, my content focuses on branding, web design, and storytelling.

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

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