An Interview with Life & Career Coach Miranda VonFricken

Categorized as Career Coaches, Interviews
An Interview with Life & Career Coach Miranda VonFricken

We truly believe the world needs women coaches and change-makers NOW more than ever. To support that, we’re starting a movement called #welovecoaches where we feature coaches from around the world and celebrate the work they do.

Introduce yourself!

Hi, I’m Miranda VonFricken… sassy, faith filled life & career coach! I help awesome ladies express personal and professional excellence through building a strong foundation, creating supported strategy, and holding them accountable! No more negotiating with those excuses… kick them to the curb and SHINE! My days are full of building community, creating content, & increasing visibility… on LinkedIn!! From overwhelmed business owners to underwhelmed 9-5ers, my mission is to help women find their calling and live it out… fully!

Share a little about why you choose to be a coach.

This industry TOTALLY chose me! I’ve been “coaching” since I was in the womb… haha! After multiple lay-offs in the corporate world, I knew the Universe was sending a strong message to go out on my own. After earning my master’s in motivation & life fulfillment I became a certified life coach and started changing the world… one soul at a time.

What challenges have you’ve faced as a female coach?

Most of my challenges have been personal or internal, but I have run into a few people assume I only work with the “young professional” – I have to quickly inform then that it doesn’t take a CEO to coach the C-Suite.

How do you stay uplifted, motivated, and inspired to push through and show up every day for your business and your clients?

I’ve built a rock strong foundation which sets me up for anything that comes my way! My morning routine is amazeballs! It consists of prayer, squats, and water… ok, more than that, but you get the picture. I’m a huge fan of fueling myself first, then consulting with my divine board of directors (Jesus, Vee – my vision board, Wo – my wild orange essential oil, and crystal – my Selenite wand!), then diving into client calls.

What are the must-have business tools, apps, or websites you use regularly to make your day productive?

LinkedIn is my #1 go-to app! From there it’s my iPhone camera! My day is most productive when I prepare the night before by reviewing my calendar and have a pre-pillow meditation and pray.

What is on your must-watch/read list and why?

Must watch is any documentary that involves natural healing or how to properly fuel ourselves (mind, body, spirit). As for books… I’m a fan of the bible ; )I also really enjoyed Gina DeVee’s new book The Audacity to be Queen.

If you could encourage other women coaches to do one thing in their career, what would it be and why?

Get back to basics! We sometimes get so overwhelmed with funnels, email lists, apps, and the newest/hottest way to do business… we forget why we entered this field in the first place. When we allow ourselves to strip down to the basics (what our heart tells us, using our most authentic way of communicating, and who needs our gifts) it feels so much better. It becomes more about the passion, then the profit. Scary, but worth it!

What’s next for you?

I’m in the middle of a few things, but the TOP priority is my book! A sassy, yet powerful daily devotional! The plan is to have it on shelves by Christmas of 2020… no pressure!

Thank you so much Miranda for sharing your passion! How can people reach you?

LinkedIn! I think I mentioned that a few times ; ) or to get right to work…

Facebook: Miranda VonFricken – Mastermind Coach

Insta: @MastermindCoachMiranda

LinkedIn: Miranda VonFricken

I hope you enjoyed this interview! Share, like, and comment to support women change-makers! #welovecoaches

About The Author

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

By Tee

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

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