An Interview with Career & Life Coach Annie Nogg

Categorized as Career Coaches, Interviews
An Interview with Career & Life Coach Annie Nogg

We truly believe the world needs women coaches and change-makers NOW more than ever. To support that, we’re starting a movement called #welovecoaches where we feature coaches from around the world and celebrate the work they do.

Introduce yourself!

Hi! I’m Annie. I’m a Career and Life Coach. I get to support mid-career professionals to pause, look at who they are now, get clear on what they want then align their lives & careers with those dreams. It is nothing short of magic and is an absolute privilege. I still pinch myself that this is a job!

Since starting my coaching business in 2015, I’ve clocked over 1500 hours doing my very best work to date – the work I feel called on this earth to do: helping my clients step into their power and fulfill their career & life aspirations.

Share a little about why you choose to be a coach.

When I was younger I wanted to be a therapist, then I quickly realized I had too delicate of sensibilities to support people through their hardest times. I ended up getting into the nonprofit field for years which I loved. At a point though, I wasn’t feeling challenged or like I was growing anymore and the trajectory to grow in that field led staff further from those being served.

I knew I wanted to feel challenged AND support clients. At that point I was introduced to the field of coaching by being referred to a coach. I got so much out of it that a seed was planted: I knew I wanted to pursue this career at some point. A few years later, I took that leap and I haven’t looked back since.

What challenges have you’ve faced as a female coach?

I’ve faced a few challenges as a female coach. When I first began, I thought “who the heck am I to be a life coach? G-d knows I am far from perfect myself!” With time, though, I realized perfection is not the goal- constant growth and evolving are the goal. That THAT is a talk I can walk.

I also felt very challenged in finding my voice when marketing myself. I knew exactly how I didn’t want to come across and it took me much longer to find how I did want to come across. Now, almost always, I feel like I can fully stand behind what I put out there in the world- even if it only gets a few social media “likes” at times.

Another challenge I faced was deciding and vocalizing my value/what I charged. I came from years in nonprofit which pounded into my head that we’re doing better work if people don’t have to pay for it. That took some major unlearning.

How do you stay uplifted, motivated, and inspired to push through and show up every day for your business and your clients?

Ohhhh… GREAT question. Actually, this feels like THE question. I do so. much. work on myself.

I hire coaches and therapists.

I meditate.

I do yoga and jog.

I read inspirational books and listen to inspirational podcasts.

I participate in professional development trainings.

I brainstorm with colleagues who inspire me.

I love, love, love growing myself as well as supporting others in their growth.

What are the must-have business tools, apps, or websites you use regularly to make your day productive?

One of the many beautiful things about coaching, in my opinion, is how simple it can be. I don’t have any staff. I work from home. Aside from a website, business cards, Paypal (to accept payments) and an excel spreadsheet that tracks all of my sessions/income, I don’t use anything else.

One of my coaching mentors actually has no website or business cards. She meets people while doing things she loves and finds clients that way because she’s so darn delightful. I love the simplicity and authenticity in that.

What is on your must-watch/read list and why?

Hmmm… I don’t watch a ton of tv though I do watch a few shows that make me “feel all the feels” like “This Is Us” and “Queer Eye”.

I’m currently reading “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle which is incredibly inspirational.

I’ve also gotten really into podcasts- there are too many to name and some of my favorites are Ghost of a PodcastEnneagram & Coffee, and The Evolutionary.

If you could encourage other women coaches to do one thing in their career, what would it be and why?

If I could encourage other women coaches to do one thing in their career it would be to seek out and nurture working relationships with other coaches. It can be lonely to work alone- and the beauty of it is that you can pick your own colleagues!

I connect often with a handful of coaching colleagues who live all around the world. We learn from each other, hold each other accountable and lift each other up.

I don’t know what I’d do without them.

What’s next for you?

I love dreaming about all the different ways I can use these skills to help people heal and create lives they love. I dream of a podcast and maybe even writing a book some day!

While most of my work is one on one with clients, I just offered my first women’s retreat last spring. Four women gathered in an Airbnb home on the California coast to take a break from it all to dive deep and grow alongside each other. We had someone come cook us healthy, delicious meals and hired a yoga instructor to teach us. We also hiked, explored the area and drank lots of tea in cozy socks.

I look so forward to being able to offer another retreat once shelter in place has lifted.

How can people reach you?

The best way to reach me is on the contact page of my website. Then, we can set up a conversation so I can learn more about you & your needs and we can assess fit to work together. I look so forward to hearing from you!

I hope you enjoyed this interview! Share, like, and comment to support women change-makers! #welovecoaches

About The Author

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

By Tee

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

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