An Interview with Career & Leadership Coach Dami Odunewu

Categorized as Career Coaches, Interviews
An Interview with Career & Leadership Coach Dami Odunewu

We truly believe the world needs women coaches and change-makers NOW more than ever. To support that, we’re starting a movement called #welovecoaches where we feature coaches from around the world and celebrate the work they do.

Introduce yourself!

My name is Dami and I am a career and leadership coach. I help the following groups of people:

  1. Students and young professionals – I help them craft a career strategy.
  2. Organization leaders – I help them become more impactful in their leadership.
  3. Organization teams – I help teams foster a safe, trusting, and effective workplace.

Share a little about why you choose to be a coach.

Let’s just say this industry chose me. I always had a dream and vision for the healthcare industry but I quickly discovered a lack of purpose and intention in the workplace, among employees and leaders alike. I personally reached a point in my career where it no longer made sense to pursue a job opportunity that wasn’t meant for me. I wanted to be intentional and clear in my job interests; no more stumbling on jobs simply because the opportunities were open to me.

Also as a manager, it mattered to me more that I could help my entry-level employees get ahead in life. If an employee wasn’t performing, I knew there were underlying reasons and my #1 goal was to help them. When it came down to it, I wanted my employees to know that they weren’t being used to accomplish business goals but I, as their leader, was intentionally striving to help them grow whether it was working with me or someone/somewhere else.

Here’s what I think… Toxic workplaces don’t happen overnight. It is due to bringing people together who lack a sense of purpose and intention, but are expected to achieve common goals in a workplace together. A narrow-minded person whose only focus is climbing the ladder, getting the highest pay or maintaining the status quo misses many opportunities to experience more…

What challenges have you’ve faced as a female coach?

I wouldn’t say my challenges have been due to being a female coach but there certainly are challenges I face daily as a coach.

My biggest challenge however is, I continue to find that I can only focus on one or two aspects of my business at a time. Some coaches do this full time; I have a two-year-old son who is my world. I also have a day job which I absolutely love and a medical missions ministry. Setting priorities is huge for me and I have learned I can’t accomplish it all, so I grow my business one or two things at a time.

How do you stay uplifted, motivated, and inspired to push through and show up every day for your business and your clients?

You know, it’s really easy for me to stay inspired. Helping people is my God-given purpose and when it comes down to it, I dream of a workplace that filled with more and more people with intention. I want to see this transformation happen everyday, so I get up being intentional about creating that atmosphere around me.

What are the must-have business tools, apps, or websites you use regularly to make your day productive?

I don’t claim to be a professional at this, HAHA! However, my I use the following:

  • Website
  • Social & professional media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
  • YouTube, Google, and Yelp.

I have learned that each one of these social and professional media are different in the way their algorithms work, so it is important to know how one can drive engagement.

What is on your must-watch/read list and why?

Simon Sinek, John Maxwell and any book or videos on personal development and leadership. I love reading and watching anything that’s aligned with what I do as a career and leadership coach and learning everyday.

If you could encourage other women coaches to do one thing in their career, what would it be and why?

Don’t do it because it’s the trend; do it because you’ve found a real need and you truly have the resources to help because people depend on you and believe you can help them get to the next growth point in the lives.

What’s next for you?

Right now, I have slowed down on coaching. This is because I am working on building more community impact. I am hosting a couple of discovery dinners with a number of reputable and experienced HR leaders in my community.

I am also writing two books and working on finishing a hiring software that should hopefully launch next year.

How can people reach you?

I can be reached at:

Let me just say that… If you are at a point in your life where it no longer feels fulfilling doing what you do, I would love to help!

I hope you enjoyed this interview! Share, like, and comment to support women change-makers! #welovecoaches

About The Author

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

By Tee

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

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