8 Ways to Build Brand Consistency in Your Coaching Business

Categorized as Coaching Branding
8 Ways to Build Brand Consistency in Your Coaching Business

Brand consistency is necessary for building brand awareness and developing a successful marketing strategy, both online and offline. Content, tone, voice, and visual branding on all platforms work together to boost awareness, helping you deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time.

Consistency in your brand builds trust in a way that almost nothing else does. When you show up exactly the way your clients expect you to, and speak to them in a way they’re used to, they feel like they know you. It’s an essential part of the know-like-trust principle, which we’ll talk about in depth another time.

For now, you just need to know that brand consistency is important, and how to achieve it in your coaching business. And that’s what we’re diving into with this post.

Inside this post you’ll learn:
✔️ 8 ways to build brand consistency.
✔️ How to keep your brand consistent over time.
✔️ A checklist you can use to make sure all your branding is consistent.

8 Ways to Build Brand Consistency (And Trust)

Your brand is a lot more than your logo and fonts. It’s the feeling evoked in your ideal customer when they encounter your business name, symbol, mark, information, content, ads, or products. 

In order to keep the feelings positive, you have to stay — you guessed it — consistent, even when things change. But that becomes a lot easier when you follow these eight rules.

1. Understand Your Mission

Look at your mission statement. Regardless of changes in technology or the values of your demographic, your mission statement probably doesn’t need to change. However, as you move forward with your business and grow it, you’ll learn more about your mission and how you fulfill it.

2. Build Your Branding Foundations

Your core values, messaging, story, and all the little behind-the-scenes pieces of your brand are what help people really get to know and trust you. They’re the things that should always be consistent, because a drastic change in them can turn people away. It’s your job to develop your foundations and show them off consistently.

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3. Document Your Branding

Once you have decided on the look and feel of your brand, it is time to create a brand document. The only way to ensure brand consistency is to have a system in place for maintaining it.

Establish brand guidelines and templates to use throughout your business. Even if it’s just you, you still need to take the time to develop your branding guide and templates for consistency across platforms, online and offline. It’s a lot simpler to keep track if you have that foundation to look to. And if you have a team or assistants working with you, they’ll need those guidelines to follow and stick to.

4. Focus on Providing Solutions

Just as you began by providing solutions to your audience’s problems, you will continue to do so. However, you may choose to add more solutions to your ideal customers’ problems, which may change your branding a bit, but not the mission. As long as you’re always asking yourself how you can serve your client, you should be good. Service is everything, and your audience will notice it.

5. Create Systems + Schedules

Consistency is about more than looking and sounding the same within your brand. It’s also about showing up on a regular basis. People will never learn to trust you if they can’t trust that you’ll be there providing new value to them on a regular basis. You need a schedule for your content, and systems for delivering that content that your audience can rely on.

6. Expect Steady Brand Evolution

Over the years, the needs of your market will change. Their values will change with the culture, or how they express those values will change. For instance, the demand for one product might end, but the demand for another might increase. Your business needs to be ready for those changes by adjusting your branding over time.

7. Roll Out Changes Slowly

A complete brand makeover does not necessarily need to be announced abruptly. For a long-lived brand, you may want to roll out changes gradually to your fonts, logos, images, and so forth to bring it to modern times without pushing your audience away. Tide, for example, is spending a lot of money including men in their commercials, which reflects new branding that targets men in the house, not just women, because family dynamics have changed.

8. Keep Studying Your Audience

Over time, your branding will have to evolve as your target audience evolves. Sometimes it might mean your design changes, sometimes it’ll mean your messaging changes. Either way, it’s your job to keep tabs on your dream client and make adjustments based on how their needs and desires have shifted.

Coaching the Coach: Final Thoughts + More Resources

Thanks for reading! Are you ready to make brand consistency a priority in your coaching business? Here are some pro tips, templates, and resources to get you started:

1 – Use your brand guidelines for everything you create. It might seem tedious to pull up the guidelines document every time you create something for your coaching business, but it helps, I swear. Brands get off course slowly, with one little change at a time that doesn’t get noticed until later. The guidelines help avoid that.

2 – Implement one thing at a time. If Tee and I have learned anything in fifteen years of business, it’s that trying to do everything all at once is more overwhelming than helpful. You’ll never be able to become consistent if you’re trying to do too much. Pick one thing to work on, and once you’ve got that down, move onto the next.

3 – Poll your audience. A good way to find out if you are being consistent is to survey your audience and see if they recognize you and your content across platforms. Ask them before, during, and after changes for their opinion.

Free templates from our resource library:

Our library of resources has everything you need to start and grow your coaching business – and it’s free! Here are few downloads you can use to help you on your brand consistency journey:

  • The Consistent Coach Branding Checklist: This checklist helps you make sure your branding is consistent across all the different platforms you’re on.
  • Mission Statement Worksheet: A guided worksheet to help you write a powerful mission statement for your coaching business.
  • Ideal Client Worksheet: Use this worksheet to outline your ideal client’s hopes and dreams so you know how to talk to them.

Save yourself hours of stress and get the above templates for free here: https://lovelyimpact.com/free-resource-library-for-coaches >>

More blogs to read:

Our blog is a great resource! Get more tips about branding your coaching business here:

About The Author

Hey! I’m Cass, a Certified Brand Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches elevate their businesses with beautiful branding and websites. Here on our blog, my content focuses on branding, web design, and storytelling.

By Cass

Hey! I’m Cass, a Certified Brand Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches elevate their businesses with beautiful branding and websites. Here on our blog, my content focuses on branding, web design, and storytelling.

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