6 Coaches Share How To Get Your First Coaching Client

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7 Coaches Share How To Get Your First Coaching Client

One of the biggest struggles for new coaches is getting your first coaching client. In a world where there are so many distractions all around us, trying to figure out what strategy to use and how to use it can be overwhelming. 

In this blog post, we’ll talk to real coaches and get their advice on how to get your first coaching client. They will share real stories about how they got started, and inspire you on different strategies to try. 

Let’s dive right in! 

How To Get Your First Coaching Client

1. Create a Low Ticket Offer

Jessie DaSilva

“My first real client came from a lower-ticket offer. I believe in the accessibility of information, so I shared a ton of value on my social media channels and in private Facebook communities.

Then, I ran a flash sale on money manifestation tarot card readings for $33 that increased to $44 the next day and so on.

On each call, I asked if the reading was helpful and if so, were they interested in learning more about what it was like to work with me? 

I sold out my one-on-one coaching packages to the tune of $30,000 in two weeks!”

Jessie DaSilva, Intuitive Growth Coach for CEOs 

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2. Tell Everyone You Are a Coach

Sarah Ohanesian

“My very first coaching client came from a friend seeing someone complain in a Facebook group about a problem they were having. She recommended me as a solution to their problem and I got my first client! So, it’s about telling people you know what you do so that they can recommend you to others who need you.”

Sarah Ohanesian, Productivity Coach

3. Use Your Old Career To Promote Your New Career

“So my first coaching client was actually referred to me by another client of mine (I used to be a full-time social media manager SMM), even though my first coaching client expected to hire a social media manager, I told them that my boss maker program that would be far more beneficial. 

It was perfect because they didn’t have a business and my program gets you to create a business from scratch. There was no sale strategy, just purely giving the perfect answer to their problem so they couldn’t say no.”

Lauren D’Ath, Business Mindset Coach

4. Share Professional Content on Social Media

Conni Medina aka Devoted Big Sister

“My first coaching client came from an established (but not very close) professional contact who had seen my content on LinkedIn. It was a combination of three factors: professional relationship, shared industry leadership experience, and social media content that resonated with the client.”

Conni Medina, Executive & Performance Coach

5. Send Personalized Messages to Your Sphere of Influence on LinkedIn

“Seven years ago, when I was first starting out as a coach, I reached out with a personalized message on LinkedIn to everyone that I knew from high school, college, community, previous jobs, and even friends of friends.  In my communication, I told my contacts that I was now a founder and entrepreneur (former corporate and then SAHM) and that I was getting certified as a transitional coach and welcomed reconnecting with them to mutually support. 

A former friend from high school responded that they were looking for a coach, and she became my first client before I even took my first coaching class! Never undervalue the significance of who you already know, it is money on the table.” 

Randi Levin, Transitional Life Strategist & Reinvention Expert

6. Build Real Relationships Within Your Niche

Bri Salsman (she/her)

“My first paid client was a nonprofit organization. They served the population I wanted to work with, so I reached out to cultivate a relationship first. After learning the ins and outs of their program, I saw an opportunity to offer 1-1 support through coaching. 

I pitched a pilot program that complimented their existing services and a small group was selected to participate. 

We took the lessons learned from the 5-week pilot program and fully launched to the entire organization. With this model, their constituents received complimentary coaching sessions, the organization received a custom package, and I was off running with multiple clients. It was a win-win-win!”

Bri Salsman, ICF PCC Life Coach

Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve heard from real coaches, you can choose any of the strategies above and try them yourself. You have everything you need to get your first coaching! 

As you saw in the post, getting your first coaching client can be hard, but if you focus on building relationships and thinking outside the box, you’ll be a full-time coach in no time. So close Google, stop spinning your wheels, and get to work. 

But, before you get started, please make sure you leave a quick comment and let me know which tip was your favorite and how plan on getting your first client.

About The Author

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

By Tee

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.


  1. Thank you for sharing this great article.
    I really love the testimonial sharing and the working with the NGO tips.
    I am new to coach business so this post was so valuable to me.
    Thanks a lot for sharing

    1. Hi Vidya! So happy these stories were helpful to you 🙂 If you do decide to launch, feel free to reach out to us. We are an open book and do free strategy calls for our audience.

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