6 Types of CTAs for Coaching Websites (and How to Use Them)

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6 Types of CTAs for Coaching Websites and How to Use Them - Lovely Impact

As a coach, you may have heard people tossing around terms like “call-to-action” or “CTA”. If you’ve been in business for a while and you’re still not sure what that means, you’re missing out! A well-planned CTA is one of the best things you can do to grow your audience, turn visitors into leads, or convert leads into coaching clients.

Sound like something you might be interested in? Inside this blog post you’ll learn:

✔️ What a CTA is and why you need more than one of them.

✔️ The different types of CTAs plus examples from our templates.

✔️ How to create effective CTAs that convert visitors to leads.

What is a CTA?

A call-to-action (or “CTA”) is a button, image, or line of text that prompts your audience to act. The action you want people to take could be anything: sign up for your newsletter, join a webinar, enter a contest, or any number of things. Typically, a CTA is placed in an easy-to-spot location, such as your homepage, but it could go anywhere you want to put it.

CTA Inspiration for Coaching Websites

When it comes to CTAs, there are literally dozens of different options. Rather than go over every possibility, I am going to cover 6 of our favorite types below:

1) “Get Started” Button.

The easiest type of CTA for you to include on your coaching website is a “Get Started” button at the very top of your home page that takes your clients directly to your signature service page. This cuts out any confusion on exactly what you want your website visitor to do.

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Here’s an example of what a “Get Started” call to action might look like for a health coach. This example is from our Sylvie template.

Get Started Button - Sylvie Coaching Website Template

2) “Learn More” Button.

This oldie but goodie can be seen on just about every single website on the internet. It’s a great option for when you want someone to learn more about a coaching topic or story you are telling. This should link directly to a page that gives more information.

However, use this sparingly! One of our pet peeves is when a coaching website ONLY uses the “LEARN MORE” call to action for every single button. Use this once or twice on your pages and get creative with your other call to actions.

Here’s an example of what a “Learn More” call to action might look like for a finance coach. This example is from our Jana template.

Learn More Button 0 6 Types of CTAs for Coaching Websites and How to Use Them - Examples (

3) “About” Button.

We encourage all coaches to create an about page that really digs deep and tells your story of transformation and why you are the right coach for your potential clients. This page can get really long, and trying to cram it all on the home page or contact page can be overwhelming.

Instead, add a small teaser telling our audience who you are as a coach on your home page, contact page, or your blog sidebar and include an “About” call to action that encourages them to get to know you better.

Here’s an example of what an “About” call to action might look like for an executive coach. This example is from our Callie template.

About Button - 6 Types of CTAs for Coaching Websites and How to Use Them - Examples (5)

4) “Join Us” Button.

This button PERFECT if you have a free offer, like a challenge, newsletter, or a Facebook Group that you want visitors to sign up for. You can use this to direct them to the landing page for that offer.

A landing page is an otherwise-hidden page on a coaching website that can only be accessed by clicking on an external link, usually shared via your social media, newsletter, or blog. It is created explicitly for sharing a marketing or advertising campaign, although topics may vary (it could be a physical product you want to sell, a special promotion you are offering, or almost anything else you can think of).

Here’s an example of what a “Join Us” call to action might look like for a weight loss coach. This example is from our Alicia template.

Join Us Button - 6 Types of CTAs for Coaching Websites and How to Use Them - Examples (4)

5) “Read More” Button.

Sometimes you want to share additional content with your audience, or there is something else you think they may be interested in, but there just isn’t room to post it all. By placing a “read more” button or link within your text, you can direct the reader to a different page or additional content within your site. It’s a great way to keep them around for a little bit longer!

This is especially effective for blogs! Here’s an example of what a “Read More” call to action might look like for a professional organizer. This example is from our Teagan template.

Read More Button -  6 Types of CTAs for Coaching Websites and How to Use Them - Examples (3)

6) Creative “Submit” Button for Forms.

A great idea, and one most savvy marketers employ, is to link a form to join your list or download a freebie. Once the visitor accesses this, they can be asked to fill out a form with basic information, such as their first name and email address. This information can then be added to your email marketing list. Just a word of caution – make it very clear that you are collecting their information for marketing purposes, or you may be breaking the law!

Here’s an example of what a form submission call to action might look like for a business coach. This example is from our Jordan template.

Submit Button - 6 Types of CTAs for Coaching Websites and How to Use Them - Examples (2)

I hope these inspired you! Now it’s your turn:

How to create an effective CTA

There is no cookie cutter formula for calls-to-action, but all successful models do have a few things in common.

1) They are unique. Consider your audience and what you’d like them to do. A CTA that is aimed at gaining new coaching clients is obviously going to look different from one intended to invite current clients to a special event. Each CTA should look different and have language that is appropriate for the target audience.

2) They are eye-catching. If you want someone to click on your CTA, they have to notice it first. Use bold, contrasting colors, and make it large enough to stand out on your webpage. Use quality images and professional language, free of grammatical errors, and industry jargon.

3) They have a clear message. If a visitor isn’t clear on what you’re saying, they’re not going to click on the link. Are they signing up for a free PDF, or are you trying to sell them something? Vague messaging makes you seem shady at best, and like a scam artist at worst.

4) They use effective placement. For leads, this could be on your social media pages, or on a blog sidebar, where someone currently unaffiliated with you might notice them. For current coaching clients, it could be in their weekly newsletter, or on their billing statement. Be creative in your placement!

With the above information, you should have a basic understanding of how CTAs work and when you should use them (hint: always!). Start experimenting today and figure out how to best use them on your site!

Final Thoughts

When is the best time to use a CTA? If you guessed “always”, you are correct! Nothing is better at turning strangers into leads or leads into coaching clients. If you’ve been sitting on the fence about creating a call-to-action, now is the time to do it. With minimal effort and time spent, you can be on the road to success in no time.

Use the tips here to figure out the best type of CTA for you, and learn how to make it work or get a head start by grabbing one of our coaching website templates. We’ve done all the hard work for you.

Explore our coaching template here: https://lovelyimpact.com/shop >>

About The Author

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

By Tee

Hey! I’m Tee, a Certified Business Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches grow and scale their coaching businesses. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.


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