3 Website Sales Strategies to Land More Coaching Clients

Categorized as Coaching Websites
3 Website Sales Strategies to Land More Coaching Clients

Your coaching website is not just a place you send people to learn more about you. It’s not an online business card, and it’s not your professional bio (you can use LinkedIn for that). It’s also not “just something to make me look like a real business.”

If you’ve been using your coaching website as one of those things I listed above, it’s time to stop playing small. You heard me.

Your coaching website is a sales tool.

If you’ve never considered how your coaching website fits into your sales process, it’s time to start. Because used effectively, your coaching website can be your number-one client-generating strategy. Yep, I said it.

Once people are on your coaching website, you want to get them to do something. And ninety-eight times out of a hundred, that something will not be booking a consultation call with you. Trust me, I’ve got research on my side.

So what else can you get them to do that will lead to them becoming a coaching client?

3 Coaching Website Sales Strategies

1. Get Them On Your Email List

Did you know that it takes the average person coming in contact with your brand & business a minimum of seven times before they’re likely to even remember who you are? And it takes twice that (or more) for them to trust you enough to purchase from you.

Here’s what that means: if you are not regularly showing up in front of them, they’ll never get to know you well enough to buy from you. And with today’s social media algorithms changing every other day (exaggeration for effect), you can’t trust that your social posts will appear in your dream coaching client’s feed on a regular basis.

the impact list for coaches

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That’s where the email list rules over all other forms of contact with your customers.

When you get them on your email list, you control how often you show up in front of them (in their inbox).

And when you send them great content via email, you build trust with them, which makes them more likely to come back and hire you as their coach.

The How:

You might already have opt-in forms on your coaching website, which is great. They’re probably in your blog sidebar, your footer, or as a pop-up that gets their attention when someone’s about to leave your site.

But are you asking people to sign up? Are you telling them in your blog posts, in your content, or anywhere else on your pages that getting on your email list is the best way to get access to your best free tips or free training?

A new visitor to your site is primed to learn more about you and what you have to offer; that’s why they’re on your site. So it’s up to you to give them the opportunity to join your list by telling her that’s what she should do next.

Use strong calls-to-action at the end of your blog posts, at the bottom of your pages, and in key spots on your coaching website (like at the top of your home page) to encourage your visitors to get on your email list (and of course, bribe them with a free download or training).

2. Keep Them Reading Your Blog And Build That Trust

If you have a blog, the best thing you can do is keep people reading it.

Your blog content should be full of valuable information that helps your readers learn something or solve a problem, and if you give them enough of it, they’ll start to trust you. And when they learn to trust you, they’re more willing to hire you as their coach.

That means you should always be trying to get people to the next best blog post on your site, so they keep reading and keep associating you with the answers they’ve been looking for.

The How:

Within each blog post, you should link to other posts you’ve written on the same or similar topics. That way, when your reader wants to dig further, they can find that info right on your site.

Also, at the end of your posts, you should have a section that features related content they might be interested in. This gives them the opportunity to explore more, about things they might not have even realized they wanted to know about.

Finally, if you’ve been building that email list we talked about above, make sure you’re sending out emails with links to your newest posts so you get people coming back to your site over and over again.

The more they read from you = the more trust you build.

3. Utilize Your Download Pages and Thank You Pages

Once you get someone to take an action on your coaching website, whether it’s signing up for your email list, downloading a free resource, or submitting your contact form, you have an opportunity to encourage them to take one more step.

Offer an extra free incentive, plug a low-cost product, show them a video explaining why they should work with you, or push them towards the best content on your blog.

The How: 

Ask yourself what the next logical step would be based on the action they just took, and add it to the page they’ve landed on.

If you’re offering a bonus freebie, don’t require an email address this time; just link to where they can download it immediately.

If you’re selling a low-cost product, give them some details, explain how it will solve the problems they’re facing, and link to your payment page.

If you’re hoping to book them into a consult call, add your video, and don’t forget the button they’ll need to click to actually book that call.

If you’re sending them to your blog, feature the best of the best content you have that will help them learn more about what they’re looking for.

Final Thoughts

A great rule of thumb is this: whenever someone is on any page of your coaching website, they should be offered the next logical step to take in your sales funnel.

If they’re on a blog post, get them to sign up to your email list, but if they’re on your services page, get them to sign up for a consultation call.

When you’re writing your content or editing your pages, always think about what the next logical step is, and add a call-to-action at the end. These little tweaks will change your coaching website from your “online business card” to a sales tool.

Need some help building your coaching website right from the start? Check out this post on The DIY Beginner’s Guide to Coaching coaching websites. (Oh look at that, an example of a simple way to link to the next best blog post on your site. 😉

About The Author

Hey! I’m Cass, a Certified Brand Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches elevate their businesses with beautiful branding and websites. Here on our blog, my content focuses on branding, web design, and storytelling.

By Cass

Hey! I’m Cass, a Certified Brand Coach and a Co-Founder at Lovely Impact. I help coaches elevate their businesses with beautiful branding and websites. Here on our blog, my content focuses on branding, web design, and storytelling.

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